Past Life Regression and Higher Self
This give access to:
Your journey through Past Life Regression, here you will meet parts of your yourself which will give answers to possible phobias through trauma that your mind has locked away, this is so you can understand from a higher spiritual perspective In this space in time who we really are. After working through this process and taking to you to 3 important days, we then move forward to the Higher Self and ask the questions that you wish to ask.
While you are still in the Theta brainwave state from the Past Life Regression we will ask questions of the Higher Self. This part of the process is about finding your own strength, building your confidence and getting answers to your life long questions. The higher self will show you how to stay strong, controlling your mind and emotions and most of all keeping your chakras clear.
0.5 hour - Process of getting you to the Theta Brainwave state
0.5 - 1 hour - Past Life Regression work taking you through the 3 important days
0.5 - 1 hour - Higher Self work
Total session time of 1.5 -2.5 hours
You might not be able to travel here the first time. If you have not dealt with any trauma or big event in your life and your psyche is holding on to that strong emotion sometimes people struggle to get to there inner landscape. I would recommend getting the Energetic Body Rebuild done, so any trauma or strong emotion has been faced and released first.
This give access to:
Your journey through Past Life Regression, here you will meet parts of your yourself which will give answers to possible phobias through trauma that your mind has locked away, this is so you can understand from a higher spiritual perspective In this space in time who we really are. After working through this process and taking to you to 3 important days, we then move forward to the Higher Self and ask the questions that you wish to ask.
While you are still in the Theta brainwave state from the Past Life Regression we will ask questions of the Higher Self. This part of the process is about finding your own strength, building your confidence and getting answers to your life long questions. The higher self will show you how to stay strong, controlling your mind and emotions and most of all keeping your chakras clear.
0.5 hour - Process of getting you to the Theta Brainwave state
0.5 - 1 hour - Past Life Regression work taking you through the 3 important days
0.5 - 1 hour - Higher Self work
Total session time of 1.5 -2.5 hours
You might not be able to travel here the first time. If you have not dealt with any trauma or big event in your life and your psyche is holding on to that strong emotion sometimes people struggle to get to there inner landscape. I would recommend getting the Energetic Body Rebuild done, so any trauma or strong emotion has been faced and released first.
This give access to:
Your journey through Past Life Regression, here you will meet parts of your yourself which will give answers to possible phobias through trauma that your mind has locked away, this is so you can understand from a higher spiritual perspective In this space in time who we really are. After working through this process and taking to you to 3 important days, we then move forward to the Higher Self and ask the questions that you wish to ask.
While you are still in the Theta brainwave state from the Past Life Regression we will ask questions of the Higher Self. This part of the process is about finding your own strength, building your confidence and getting answers to your life long questions. The higher self will show you how to stay strong, controlling your mind and emotions and most of all keeping your chakras clear.
0.5 hour - Process of getting you to the Theta Brainwave state
0.5 - 1 hour - Past Life Regression work taking you through the 3 important days
0.5 - 1 hour - Higher Self work
Total session time of 1.5 -2.5 hours
You might not be able to travel here the first time. If you have not dealt with any trauma or big event in your life and your psyche is holding on to that strong emotion sometimes people struggle to get to there inner landscape. I would recommend getting the Energetic Body Rebuild done, so any trauma or strong emotion has been faced and released first.