I’m 40 years old,

I’m a Father of three amazing children and I’ve been with my beautiful wife for 21 years now.

I look after a small holding, grow as much organic produce as possible, make all my own dairy alternates foods and create all my own hair and skin products.

I’m Christopher Holt

I’m a Trauma Release Practitioner specialising in the modality of Soul Center Hypnosis Healing. Why this form of modality? … because it worked for me. I was going through life with no direction, brain fog, anger, addiction, guilt and physical pain.

I was constantly asking myself “why is this happening to me”, “Why can I not focus on my work” and “why am I feeling all this physical pain” throughout my body. It did not matter how many doctors I saw, not one could help me or give me advice. I started to become constantly ill. When I developed a really large lump in my body, my self esteem was at an all time low. I knew things had got to change. That’s when I discovered the Soul Center Hypnosis Healing technic and realised it was life’s traumas which was causing all my mind and physical problems.

The universe answered!

After my first consultation I started to realise that my life’s traumas wasn’t just causing me mental and physical pain it was also effecting the third part of us… my soul the “energetic part”, the Chakras if you will. The 7 Chakras within us all play a big part on how we feel, act and behave. If one or more are not balanced or vibrating higher or constantly vibrating a low frequency that’s when “we” attract the wrong energy. And that energy WILL affect the way your feel and act and left long enough WILL start to cause physical body pain. That physical pain can be lower back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, headaches and even cancer.

If you’ve found this website you are probably on the right path to self healing.