"Parts" Work
Parts are created during our life due to traumatic events that cause the nervous system to panic. Many parts are created by trauma that are far too upset and frightened to stay connected to your main psyche and so they are sequestered away whilst still containing that trapped trauma. These scared parts of our psyche them cause us many problems during our life when our system starts to feel overwhelmed. Its important to find these parts, allow them to release trapped trauma and then bring them back into the main psyche.
How we know This
You can get what appears initially to be an another spirit, but on further questioning we discover that this new person which is talking to you, is an actual part of the Clients own personality and psyche that split off from them at some point in their life (normally in childhood) due to extreme trauma or torture. The Client also may have more than one of these split parts of themselves that will make themselves known as we speak with them.
The key here is for the Client to first discover and acknowledge that they have these separate parts. Then work needs to be done to integrate these parts back into the whole of the Client. So the Clients psyche is completely reintegrated and back into one whole instead of several parts. This will take more than one session. In fact it is likely to take many sessions. Work will need to be done for the main psyche of the Client to accept back in the part that has split off. Each part of the Client’s personality and psyche needs to recognise the strengths that they individually have in keeping the Client safe and happy.
Total session time of 1.5 hours
Parts are created during our life due to traumatic events that cause the nervous system to panic. Many parts are created by trauma that are far too upset and frightened to stay connected to your main psyche and so they are sequestered away whilst still containing that trapped trauma. These scared parts of our psyche them cause us many problems during our life when our system starts to feel overwhelmed. Its important to find these parts, allow them to release trapped trauma and then bring them back into the main psyche.
How we know This
You can get what appears initially to be an another spirit, but on further questioning we discover that this new person which is talking to you, is an actual part of the Clients own personality and psyche that split off from them at some point in their life (normally in childhood) due to extreme trauma or torture. The Client also may have more than one of these split parts of themselves that will make themselves known as we speak with them.
The key here is for the Client to first discover and acknowledge that they have these separate parts. Then work needs to be done to integrate these parts back into the whole of the Client. So the Clients psyche is completely reintegrated and back into one whole instead of several parts. This will take more than one session. In fact it is likely to take many sessions. Work will need to be done for the main psyche of the Client to accept back in the part that has split off. Each part of the Client’s personality and psyche needs to recognise the strengths that they individually have in keeping the Client safe and happy.
Total session time of 1.5 hours
Parts are created during our life due to traumatic events that cause the nervous system to panic. Many parts are created by trauma that are far too upset and frightened to stay connected to your main psyche and so they are sequestered away whilst still containing that trapped trauma. These scared parts of our psyche them cause us many problems during our life when our system starts to feel overwhelmed. Its important to find these parts, allow them to release trapped trauma and then bring them back into the main psyche.
How we know This
You can get what appears initially to be an another spirit, but on further questioning we discover that this new person which is talking to you, is an actual part of the Clients own personality and psyche that split off from them at some point in their life (normally in childhood) due to extreme trauma or torture. The Client also may have more than one of these split parts of themselves that will make themselves known as we speak with them.
The key here is for the Client to first discover and acknowledge that they have these separate parts. Then work needs to be done to integrate these parts back into the whole of the Client. So the Clients psyche is completely reintegrated and back into one whole instead of several parts. This will take more than one session. In fact it is likely to take many sessions. Work will need to be done for the main psyche of the Client to accept back in the part that has split off. Each part of the Client’s personality and psyche needs to recognise the strengths that they individually have in keeping the Client safe and happy.
Total session time of 1.5 hours