Energetic Body Rebuilding - SCHH
Energy Clearing & Energetic Body Rebuilding to get your mind, body and soul working together as one.
Clean and clear all 7 major and minor chakras to get your energy body working at a much higher vibration. This may well include any dark energies, earthbound spirts and entities that maybe attached on your energetic body.
Total session time of 2 - 2.5 Hours
The session can be paired with the Past Life Regression and Higher Self session and carried out on the same day.
By doing the Energy Clearing, Energetic Body Rebuilding, Pass Life Regression and Higher Self sessions this route will be the best path to removing, solving and healing any energetic and physical body problems.
Energy Clearing & Energetic Body Rebuilding to get your mind, body and soul working together as one.
Clean and clear all 7 major and minor chakras to get your energy body working at a much higher vibration. This may well include any dark energies, earthbound spirts and entities that maybe attached on your energetic body.
Total session time of 2 - 2.5 Hours
The session can be paired with the Past Life Regression and Higher Self session and carried out on the same day.
By doing the Energy Clearing, Energetic Body Rebuilding, Pass Life Regression and Higher Self sessions this route will be the best path to removing, solving and healing any energetic and physical body problems.
Energy Clearing & Energetic Body Rebuilding to get your mind, body and soul working together as one.
Clean and clear all 7 major and minor chakras to get your energy body working at a much higher vibration. This may well include any dark energies, earthbound spirts and entities that maybe attached on your energetic body.
Total session time of 2 - 2.5 Hours
The session can be paired with the Past Life Regression and Higher Self session and carried out on the same day.
By doing the Energy Clearing, Energetic Body Rebuilding, Pass Life Regression and Higher Self sessions this route will be the best path to removing, solving and healing any energetic and physical body problems.