Hi, I’m Christopher.
I’m a Trauma Release Practitioner and I help people remove physical body & emotional pain through hypnosis, internal family systems (parts work) and energetic body rebuilding. To create a better you - mind, body, soul.
What is Trauma and how can it effect the mind, body and soul?
What is Trauma?
It is a traumatic event which can be shocking, dangerous, or scary experience that can cause someone to feel unsafe or frightened. Trauma can be caused by a number of events, including accidents, parent abandonment, violence, abuse (emotional or physical), death of a loved one or humiliation. Trauma can harm a person's sense of safety, self, and ability to regulate emotions and navigate relationships with people and money.
How can Trauma effect you?
It can effect you in many ways
Mind - Difficulty concentrating, sleeping and/or no confidence
Soul - Little or no energy and problems connecting with self
Body - Physical symptoms like headaches, back pain, shoulder pain, feet and hand pain or even tooth problems
How I can help?
My job is to identify the root cause of the clients presenting health issue. This will be the physical manifestation of what is upsetting them or emotionally holding on to. Once this connection has been made, emotion(s) have been released and the mind, body & soul rebalanced. The physical condition will heal.
Starting the process of healing by unburdening yourself by talking about your present life journey and traumas. Going through your paperwork and mapping out your energetic journey in correspondence with your present life traumas. From here we should be able to plan your sessions.
the journey….
2. Energetic Body Rebuilding - (SCHH)
Trauma causes the energetic body to brake down and in turn affects our mind, body and soul. And when these are not balanced and working together at a higher positive vibration or mindset. The mind and soul will allow us to think and attract negative energy, effecting our bodies ability to self heal an our mind to weaken. Through hypnosis we look at any bad energy you have effecting your chakras, the possible unattached burdens and earthbound spirits that may be located within your energy centres. Its important to get all of these removed from your energetic body as they influence your consciousness and therefore your healing journey, behaviours and emotions. Your energy centres cannot connect and work together if you have these effecting you. Once this step is complete we work on rebuilding your energy centres, connecting all 7 major Chakras together, vibrating higher to give your soul and mind complete confidence and positive feeling about what’s ahead of you. Sometimes if the Chakras have been deeply effected we might have to do a split session and the Past Life Regression and Higher Self session will have to be done at a later stage.
3. Past Life Regression
Through hypnosis we work together on your journey through Past Life Regression. Here you will meet parts of your yourself which will give answers to possible phobias through trauma your mind has locked away, this is so you can understand from a higher spiritual perspective In this space in time who we really are. After working through this process, we then move forward to the Higher Self and ask the questions that you wish to ask.
4. Higher Self
While you are still under hypnosis and in the Theta brainwave state from the Past Life Regression we will ask questions of the Higher Self. This part of the process is about finding your own strength and building your confidence. Showing you how to stay strong, controlling your mind and emotions and most of all keeping your chakras clear.
5. Powering the Physical Body
This step will not involve me but I put you in contact with a herbalist who will help keep your physical body in tune with mind & soul.
6. Check up
After the session(s) have been completed and both you and I happy with your new path forward we will schdule a meeting to check how thing are going with your restored mind, body and soul. This is usually done about 2-4 weeks after the energetic body rebuilding.
Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (S.C.H.H ®)
Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (S.C.H.H ®) was created by Larua Whitworth a Clinical Hypnotherapist (Dip.Hyp HPD MNCH MPLTA) and Psychotherapist (Dip.Psych Dip.NLP), a Quantum Healer and an Entity Releasement Specialist. Laura Whitworth utilises Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing technique that does everything! Over the years, Laura has encountered many situations that are not covered in many popular Past Life Regression Techniques. Clients have Trauma from this lifetime that needs to be worked through before progressing into Past Lives. Or Clients have Energetic attachments that do not allow them to progress successfully into the Theta Brainwave state. Clients then need these Entity attachments taking off, their Chakras Re-building and their Aura Re-sealing before we are able to progress into a Past Life Regression. Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (S.C.H.H.) Technique ensures that any Traumas and Entities are dealt with and any Energetic Adjustments are made prior to us embarking on the Past Life Regression Journey and then the Higher Self Questions.
Quick Note:
I’m currently booking up to 8 weeks in advance. Please do still get in touch as cancellations can happen.
First things first, don't be nervous. We'll start with a free 30 minute telephone call or zoom meeting to determine your needs.
If we continue, we will schedule a session with a
1 hour consultation to discuss paperwork and mind and physical problems
Followed by
Energetic Body Rebuild to get your mind, body and soul working together as one
Continued with
Past Life Regression and Higher Self session to give answers to how or why these things have happened to you.
Concluded with
A catch up session to see how thing are progressing a few weeks down the line.
A split session maybe needed if you have suffered multiply traumas in this life time.
Timelines depend on the individual , but generally speaking one session is usually enough with a follow up appointment. Although if you have experienced multiple traumas within in this life time, then a split session would be needed. But we can discuss this in the consultation.
It is the relaxation of the mind. I relax the mind so the client drifts in to the Theta State. The is not magic, it is just the the state of mind before the Delta brain wave state (sleep). This enables the left side of the brain to open up and give access to your dream state. We know when the Theta brain wave state has been achieved because most humans start to perform REM (rapid eye movement)
Sometimes if the Chakras has been deeply effected and you have suffered multiple traumas in your lifetime, we might have to do something which is called a “Split Session”. This is only because a human being can be put in to the Theta brain state through hypnosis for a maximum of 2-2.5 hours. The Past Life Regression and Higher Self session will have to be done at a later date.
When the mind, body and soul experience trauma your energetic body (Chakra’s) start to vibrate at a lower frequency. Your chakras start to attract negative energies (entities) this can happen over time or from birth. I will rebuild the Chakras to ensure that your Aura is resealed so no new Entities can reattach.
If Trauma is not dealt with and healed, the energy body will become so impacted that the Aura becomes fractured and then Entities can get in and further degenerate the emotional and physical state of the client. The FINAL stage of this process is when the client begins to experience physical symptoms in the body which is the physical body responding to the energy held in the energetic and emotional bodies. Ironically this is normally the FIRST time a client will notice that something is wrong. When the physical body becomes effected and diseased. This will probably be the reason a client comes to see me!
Pricing is based on both the healing scope and your desired result. Individual sessions can be book via the “get In touch” page.
No, in fact 98% of all my client sessions are over zoom.
No, if done by a trained and qualified person. We take from
Beta - Normal awake brain state
Alpha - Begin to relax and focus your attention inward.
Theta - Your mind and body start to calm down as you enter a very relaxed, more meditative state.
Delta - Is your slowest brainwave and are most prevalent during deep. A dreamless stages of sleep
If for any reason you need to wake up I’ll count you out, by counting from 10-1 and you will be back to normal wake state. Reminder your mind does this twice a day on it’s own - When you sleep.
Parts are created during our life due to extreme trauma that cause the nervous system to panic. Many parts are created by trauma that are far too upset and frightened to stay connected to your main psyche and so they are sequestered away whilst still containing that trapped trauma. These scared parts of our psyche cause us many problems during our life when our system starts to feel overwhelmed. Its important to find these parts, allow them to release trapped trauma and then bring them back into the main psyche.
We can only really tell when your psyche has split is when under hypnosis and new personality comes through.
Because it worked for me. Simply the best life decision I ever made. I followed up with getting qualified in this field of work so to help others with this amazing treatment.